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How to Check if an Android App is Listening or Watching You

How to be cognisant of your privacy on Android

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What does it do?

It helps determine which apps are listening to you on your Android phone

Why should I care?

Android system, especially older Android versions, didn’t do a great job gatekeeping which apps can listen to you while you are using them. I’d like to draw your attention to the feature that was added to the latest Android 12 version.

In this article I will discuss a technique, which will allow you to understand if an Android app is listening or watching you. We have already discussed how to stop Android apps from spying on you.

Android 12 implemented a feature, which allows you to visually see when any of your apps uses your microphone or the camera. This shows up as a green dot at the right upper corner of your screen.

There are hundreds of different Android customizations and it is possible that your phone might or might not be displaying this green icon. If you are running Android 12, It is possible that you need to enable this visual notification in your settings. If so, please check your manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, check to see if you have a new Android 12 system update available.


How to check for an Android system update

In order to insure that your phone has this feature,

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