Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

Yo , i have 2 main issues.

1)I use my Laptop for both gaming and School, therefore it has to be very quiet while in school. After long gaming sessions it still gets kinda loud.

How can I make him more quiet other than turning on the ultimate energy powersave plan?

2) For some reason i cant edit anything in MSI-Afterburner. Apparently it happens with any PC from what i could find in the web, but none of what i could find in the Web helped me. Do you have a idea how to help me?

Stay safe and thank you for everything and thank you in advance <3

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Hey Max, thanks for the questions. Here are my thoughts.

1) If you play at school and want it to quiet down. It will need to cool down to reach its thermal threshold for the fans to slow down. Becauee you game on it, as mucu as I hate this myself, your thermal paste kind of wears out and becomes less efficient in cooling your laptop. So Ober time it will become louder. This is why it's better to have a dedicated gaming machine. You can replace the paste, but its a hassle.

Look into the apps that run after gaming. Maybe they cause the extra load on the machine. Or maybe just reboot the laptop after you game and before school. Remember, shutting down isn't really stopping all of the apps. You need to reboot.

2) As for the Afterburner, I don't know. I'd have to get back with you on that. It could be something in the driver, GPU bios or the directx configuration thats not letting MSI to tap into the settings.

Hope this helps. Thanks for being part of the community bud!

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Hi, I think you got me wrong.

I play at home but my pc still gets kinda "loud" in school.

Do you know any programm , that close down everything or could limit everything to it's minimum? Or is there a programm where i can set the GPU/CPU usage to like 10% since i only need a browser open for school?

It doesnt get too loud, still would i appreciate help :D

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen


I’m having issue diagnosing an issue with Windows holding on to RAM - ram usage sits at 90% but allocated memory I.e number of mbs per application only adds up to say 40% . Impacting different machines in our company.

Seems to be some sort of memory leakage. Thanks for the help !

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Hey James. Oh that sucks. It might definitely be a memory leakage. Let me just be the devil's advocate and elaborate on this. I warn you, some might be silly!

1) What if the version of Windows does not support the physical RAM you have on those machines.

2) Try this powershell command to output all processes and their RAM usage.

get-process | Group-Object -Property ProcessName | Format-Table Name, @{n='Mem (KB)';e={'{0:N0}' -f (($_.Group|Measure-Object WorkingSet -Sum).Sum / 1KB)};a='right'}

Then highlight both columns and paste them into EXCEL. SUM all of the RAM quantities up and see if you get the same number as reported by the Task Manager.

3) Beyond this, maybe it's the page file. This one's a stretch.

Keep me updated!

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Thanks Arsen! The figures do differ from Task Manager & the powershell script output! Interestingly the powershell script roughly adds up to the correct % shown in Task Manager... when I boot my svchost jumps to almost 1gb. Also when in RAMmap.exe I have almost half my memory in yellow used by Private Process - I can't really explain that. Any ideas?

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

Probably something you wouldn’t be able to fix, but I’ve been having an issue with NVIDIA GeForce experience shadowplay where whenever I shutdown/restart/sleep my PC, it changes mics to the wrong input. I’ve reinstalled programs and drivers 20x over. And I can’t just disable the mics I don’t want it to use in sound manager for other reasons. Nvidia support has been no help :/

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

and yeah I could switch to something else like OBS replaybuffer but shadowplay has some nice upsides

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Yep. It sucks that Shadowplay will always have a lower overhead, which is why OBS will always have a higher performance impact.

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Hey Anthony. I've heard of that before and it looks like it's a bug or a compatibility issue. It doesn't happen to too many people, but those who it happens to are super annoyed.

Looks like this guy's fed up too: https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceExperience/comments/fr40tm/shadowplay_keeps_changing_the_input_microphone_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

Yeah, sorry, I can't help with this, but, perhaps disabling the mics that you don't use from the device manager would eliminate the possible options Shadowplay has for switching. Not sure if it's feasible, bit you can try.

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

Hey mate this is Harish from india, Iam having this slow boot problem in the recent months as I'm using 240gb Kingston SSD 1.5 YEARS old before this my PC used to turn on and off took less than 10secs but in recent months it holds more than 2mins at gigabyte Boot screen itself and took total of 3mins to complete the login screen help me with this issue mate thanks in advance

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Hey mate. If it's sitting on the Gigabyte screen, it might be trying to initialize something before the Windows boot. Check to see what peripherals you have connected (linke thumbdrives, PCI express cards, RAID devices) and see if anything changes as you disconnect them. Some PCs have SATA controllers that can be configured as RAID and these could take a while to initialize. As long as your hard drive isn't connected to those ports, you can turn off the RAID and switch it to SATA from the BIOS. But be careful to not break your RAID array if you have one.

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

Thanks mate recently I've added very old SD card reader and 90 gb Hitachi mechanical drive to my PC after that only I'm facing this issue I'll remove them and try this mate.

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For sure Harish. Keep me updated, my man! 💪

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Mate that worked like champ seriously thanks you man now my boot time is less that 6sec..😍 been been following your insta from very beginning hope you do great with your kindness mate...

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when im turn on my laptop around 5 min it would be very slow and then after 5min it become fast but not so fast…is it normal sir?

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It's probably because your OS and other apps are loading at startup. Try to look into your startup apps and see if you can eliminate the unneeded apps that might be loading at startup. I have a video on that here: https://youtu.be/yVEf0UYE-vU

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ive did it sir i do a lot of trick 🥺 btw thank youu appreciate it❤️❤️

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My pleasure Muhammad! Glad I could help.

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

Black spots on monitor and a slow system

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What's up! Are rhe black spots there when the computer isn't on by the monitor is on?

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When the monitor is on....it came randomly one day ..walnut sized spots and black lines

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Try to plug in another device to the monitor and see if the spots are there. There are two possibilities: 1) Those are coming from the monitor 2) Those are coming from your monitor cable or the GPU.

If you connect another device and they remain, replace the cable. If they are still there, it's probably either the monitor logic board or a display issue.

Sometimes (I don't recommend it though) if those are dead pixels (Very small) people massage them with an eraser and they fix themselves.

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Jul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen

Definitely not a GPU or cable issue...those spots are there even when the system is turned of, through the backlight of the monitor...let me try massaging the monitor

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hey my laptop is only 2gb ram and 300+gb HDD storage ,, my issue is that my laptop is too laggy

my latop boot time is 1 min

and if i want to open an application it takes nearly 1:30 mins so please can u help how to clean my ram to completely new and make it run my computer smooth

soo pleasr help me

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Hey Arsen I have a query regarding ram , i have a gaming laptop with a dedicated as well as integrated gpu , the integrated gpu has 2 gb reserved memory making my system physically available memory to 6gb , i would like some ways through which i can clear my ram usage and make the most out of 6gb available as most is taken by windows tasks and my game stutters a lot :(

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hi. so i have a blue yeit and when i plug it. in the sounds thing it saids it is disabled and a sec later its enabled and it repeats

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I have been using my new computer for about a month now, but it uses 50% RAM at idle. I always turn off all unnecessary tasks, I only use antivirus when needed, otherwise it's disabled. I also make sure there is no malware or virus. Please help

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Hello! Could I ask how mucu total RAM do you have?

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8 GB (1x8Gb) 2 slots

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OK great Though 8GB should be OK, it's a little on the small side. Especially Chrome uses A LOT of RAM. I wouod recommend tracing the apps that use the most RAM in the task manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Sort the tasks by RAM size the see which ones are the hungrier ones. This way you can see when and how mucu RAM they take up and eliminate those.

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Hey bud! Could be becauee your guilt in or added GPU card driver gets updated and it resets the settings back. Or it might be becaue of the monitor cable. Or even the monitor. See if any of those make sense.

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deletedJul 24, 2021Liked by Arsen
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For sure brotha! Yeah, keep me updated!

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