Thank you!...I watch your videos everyday for tips on my Samsung phone.

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Thank you! Very helpful. I feel bad but I am unable to subscribe & donate towards your site due to the fact that I am very very poor. Tryn to make it on SSI alone. I'm sorry. If I could though I would thank you

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Thank you, Judy. Enjoy the free content. We post it frequently! Thank you for being part of the community!

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Thanks for the list

If you had taken a second to alphabetize it, it would have been much easier to check against the installed apps

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Custom Picture Caller Show

Cute Emoji SMS

Face Emoji Maker

Fun Smart Message

Fun Text Message

Painting Photo Editor

Quick Talk Message

Shadow Galaxy Wallpaper

Simple Keyboard

Smile Bubble Message

Talk SMS

Text Launcher SMS

Themed Emoji Keyboard

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Thank you Jeffery. If I didn't subscribe, I wouldn't have seen your post. JH

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Hi I'm sorry to ask what is wrong with the text launchers SMS because sometimes my phone won't send out a text message for whatever odd reason and it offers me to send it that way and that's the only way that the text will go out and then when I call tech support at T-Mobile they told me to just have that text ability on my phone the SMS ones can you please tell me what it is that I'm missing why should it be uninstalled just asking I want my phone to be healthy but I need to get the texts through also thank you so much for your time

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Object to this being a maize of upgrade now and pay to subscribe to newsletter to post etc if doing the world a good deed kindly don't make it even more confusing and difficult to find answers without giving more money

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Thank you following now. I love the tips.

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